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Trainer Kites, Kiteboarding, Landboarding, Snowkiting

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Kitemare Savings


Do-All & Entry Level Boards

Kiteboarding boards

Do-all and entry level kiteboarding and kitesurfing boards come in different shapes and sizes. 

We have carefully selected kiteboarding and kitesurfing boards that will not only help you learn how to kiteboard or how to kitesurf quickly, but will grow with you as you advance in your skills.  There are a couple of attributes to look for in a board when you're first learning to kiteboard:

  1. Size. Use a larger size board until you advance in the sport.
  2. Personality. A board that is stable and forgiving, not edgy and temperamental.
  3. Shape. How a board is shaped makes a big difference in how a board rides.
  4. Life.  The ability to grow with you as you advance.  Never grow tired of riding.


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