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Trainer Kites, Kiteboarding, Landboarding, Snowkiting

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Peter Lynn Skim (3-Line)

Peter Lynn Skim 3-Line Trainer Kites

The Skim is a closed cell foil that iis water relaunchable.  This is an excellent kite for new kite pilots who do not want to be limited to just training on land.

BUY Skim 2.8m BUY Skim 3.4m BUY Skim 4m


Skim 2.8m
(Actual size 2.8m)

  • Light Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Excellent for families with  kids
  • Good for those who do not want a lot of power
  • Good for high wind areas
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines


Skim 3.4m
(Actual size 3.4m)

  • Medium-Strong Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Great size trainer kite for anyone over 140 lbs
  • Good for water and land activities
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines


Skim 4m
(Actual size 4m)

  • Strong + Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Adults in lighter winds
  • Great for athletic people who want power
  • Good beginner kite for snow-kiting on hard-packed snow and body dragging in the water
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines

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Skim 2.8m
(Actual size 2.8m)

BUY Skim 2.8m

  • Light Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Excellent for families with  kids
  • Good for those who do not want a lot of power
  • Good for high wind areas
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines



 Skim 3.4m
(Actual size 3.4m)

BUY Skim 3.4m

  • Medium-Strong Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Great size trainer kite for anyone over 140 lbs
  • Good for water and land activiities
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines



 Skim 4m
(Actual size 4m)

BUY Skim 4m

  • Strong + Power / Pull in moderate winds
  • Adults in lighter winds
  • Great for athletic people who want power
  • Good beginner kite for snow-kiting on hard-packed snow and body dragging in the water
  • Comes complete with kite, control bar & fly lines

Great Performance Made Simple & Easy

skim-11-.jpgGetting into the water and bring new dimension to your training sessions. 

New kiters need a trainer kite that is simple, easy and durable.

  • Great quality kite that comes with a blend of durable construction, quality materials, and unique design
  • 3rd line for safely depowering the kite quickly and easily
  • Simple to self-relaunch without assistance

Without a Doubt, the Skim Trainer Kite Shines!

  1. Strong tear resistant and durable sail fabric
  2. Strong re-enforced baffles with cross webbing - This provides a significant amount of strength and toughness.
  3. Wind inlets that provide even inflation and better floating on the water 
  4. Strong Dyneema bridles are sewn, which helps improve performance and reduce tangles
  5. Nice vibrant colors

Peter Lynn kites are some of the best designed and quality constructed kites on the market.  The Skim Trainer kite will provide years of great kiting sessions.

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